Saturday, April 11, 2009

Orbis Terarrum 2009 Challenge

Bethany is hosting this very cool challenge.

Challenge Rules:
*The Orbis Terrarum Challenge begins March 1 2009(you are welcome to join later) Through the end of 2009.
*For the challenge each reader is to choose 10 books (for the 10 months).
*Each book must from a different country, I have decided to go by the country of origin of the author, or the country he/she lives in is fine as well.
*You don't have to have a list, that means you can change your mind at any time. As long as there are 10 from 10 different countries, written by 10 different authors: Anything goes.

The bottom line: choose 10 different books, written by 10 different authors, from 10 different countries.

I love making lists so here is my preliminary one:

India - Koyal Dark, Mango Sweet by Kashmira Sheth
Egypt - A Map of Love by Ahdaf Soueif
Iran - Persepolis by
Marjane Satrapi
Cuba - Where the Flame Trees Bloom by
Alma Flor Ada
France/Israel - A Bottle in the Gaza Sea by Valerie Zenatti
Japan - Silence by Shasaku Endo
England - The Midwife by Jennifer Worth

Hungary - We Are On Our Own by Miriam Katin
Poland - All But M y Life by Gerda Weissmann Klein

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